Here’s a 17+ minute video of Tim Keller talking at Lausanne about how you reach cities by
- Planting & renewing churches that are contextual to the city,
- Establishing citywide gospel movements
By contextual churches, he speaks of planting a church that fits in your context. As part of that talk he gave these marks to becoming contextual
- A multicultural church has to be extremely culturally sensitive. Your church must expect cultural and racial tensions and accusations of insensitivity. It will always be present.
- Help people integrate work and faith. People go to cities to work.
- Must have urban sensibility: comfortable with change, disorder,
- Evangelism in cities needs to reach different cultures and people. One script does not fit all.
- City Churches need to be famous in its care for the poor.
- Artists must be taken seriously.
- Relationships are extremely important for ministry in a urban context.
- A city can’t be reached by one church, or even one network. You need a city reaching movement.
Keller mentions 10 in his remarks, but I heard 8.
What is a city reaching movement?
When the Body of Christ is growing more rapidly than the general population. What creates a movement?
- Five or six church planting movements in different denominations and networks. Don’t work to increase your tribe, but to help others get going. Collaborate.
- You need a
- network of prayer,
- evangelistic specialists to focus on universities and youth,
- work on justice and mercy issues,
- gatherings based on vocation (business people, artists, etc), and
- have leaders regularly meeting to discern together what the city needs (not turf wars).
Four questions (from Luasanne’s guide):
- How can the church develop a clearer awareness of the needs of the cities?
- What has been the response of the church in your context to the increased movement of people to the cities?
- What are adjustments that the church should make in order to respond to the needs of the city in a relevant way?
- How can the global church be mobilized to the missiological challenge of the city?
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